282 Zhiwuyuan Rd.
Longgang,Shenzhen,China 518116

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

HSH Awards

China NO.1 Metal Craft Manufacturer Who Is Your Most Reliable Partner.

High Quality

We care our name as our life.High quality means you are fully satisfy with our products.We ensure you will get a beautiful out looking products which you can give your mum as a gift.Awards is not just an item,it contains too many meaning.We care the quality.

Leading Experts

Our comany sums many experts who have more than 20 years experiences in awards producing field.We can give you a professional proposal on the awards producing and buget.Save your money and time.

Flexible Prices

Price is always a key point. We will provide you with our best price. We need to make profit but not much.Your success is our priorty job.

Complex Sollutions

To produce a high-end product,we will provide different sollutions for you to choose refer to our experiences. We will tell you all we know and help you to choose the best one.


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